Monday, January 17, 2011

The Title Says It All

I'm sure each of you have bought or read a book based solely off the Title, only to be disappointed. Well, that is exactly what I'm trying to prevent with my novel. How in the world do you come up with a fresh title that not only captures your readers attention, but reveals the essence of your novel? As soon as someone figures that out, let me know, because I'm bordering on the edge of psychosis here in an attempt to choose the perfect title.

Originally, the name for my novel was 'Awaken', but my mother was quick to point out that she thought the book was going to be about a coma patient that woke up years later. Now, I've been using the title 'Redemption', but a popular blog site pointed out that not only was 'Redemption' a popular title amongst Amazon, but that two other novels were submitted through the blog titled the same thing.

What's a girl to do? My novel is a first in a trilogy which all leads to the MC's redemption. So what better name, right? Wrong! I need something more original, something that when you type it into Google, all that pulls up is my novel. Is that possible? Who knows. Am I going to try? You bet your ass, I am.

Wish me luck!

If you think your the self proclaimed "Title Queen or King", then feel free to read the summary of my novel to the right, and then post any title suggestions in the comments. If I pick yours, maybe when I'm published I'll give you a shout out. LOL-of course I said "Maybe".


  1. Well if you're looking for agents so to sell it the traditional route don't panic too much about the title as it'll probably get changed. Really the most important thing you want to work on is creating a single paragraph (or two if you must) for your incredible query letter :)

    The Arrival, on Amazon NOW!

  2. Don't get me started on the 'suck the life out of you' query. I wrote my frist one in April 2010, and still haven't mastered it. I have it posted right now at Pheonix Sullivan's sight if you want to offer feedback.

  3. Well, seeing as it's your first book and poor Bane only gets redemption in the last book, why not start it as Damnation :p Then the second could be like Purgatory or something -> Play a little on Dante
    Okay, I'm just tossing retardedness at you, as usual. Exam in a couple of hours. My brain is melting.
