Monday, July 26, 2010

A Writer' All Nighter

Here it is 4:25am Monday July 26th, 2010. After putting my little girl down for bed at 9pm, I found that I had more than enough things to do writing related to keep me busy until now.
1. Check the blogs first that I'm following for any new author's postings.
2. Checked the comment section on Evil Editor to see if there were any new comments to the query I posted. There was one.
3. Log on'd at Critique Circle to see if my chapter or synopsis received any additional critiques. There was one.
4. Critiqued a few stories, so not to break my cardinal rule of 'tit for tat'.
5. Worked relentlessly on revising my query.
6. Posted my revised query on Evil Editor. (hoping to be tore to shreds again).
7. Edited Chapter 8 a little, according to some critiques based off other chapters.
8. Checked out Phoenix Sullivan blog and added it to my follow list.
10. Created this post (for my own enjoyment, since I have no followers)!

Intersession with my husband at 4:28am when he woke for work. His words to me were, "Really Babe? I mean Really?" He doesn't understand that once you find the time to write, or learn about writing, you have to take advantage of it-even if it means sacrificing sleep!

Well, now I must go to bed. It's exactly 4:30am, and I all I can think about now, is that my little one will be up at 9:30am. Today is her 2nd birthday, and I'm hoping that the five hours of sleep I get will help me maintain somewhat of a happy attitude so that I can show her a good time today. So it's off to bed, so I can play at McDonald's tomorrow and go to the park, and all that other cool stuff (I'm on vacation). I'll be returning (as I'm sure you all guessed) tonight at 9pm once my daughter goes to sleep once again.
Oh, the good news is-I get to start another book I'm working on where I journal day for day my life as the mother of a two year old. Titles I'm considering;
1. The Year of Hell
2. 365 Days of Hell
3. Toddlers Guide to Creating an Insane Mother
4. The Year of Divorce
5. Xnax Anyone?

Good night All!